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Selected Publications and Presentations From Various Projects of the Belaku Trust




Ghosh, S., Kilaru, A, and Ganapathy, S (2002) Nutrition Education and Infant Growth in Rural Indian Infants: Narrowing the Gender Gap? Journal of the Indian Medical Association, August 2002, pp 483-490.


Ganapathy, S., Matthews, Z., Ramakrishna, J., Mahendra, S and Kilaru, A. (2002) Sociocultural determinants of maternal health in rural south India, in Koenig, M. and Jejheebhoy, S. (eds) Proceedings of Reproductive Health: New Evidence and Issues, meeting in Pune, 2000.


Matthews, Z., Mahendra, S., Kilaru, A. and Ganapathy, S. (2001) Antenatal care, care-seeking and morbidity in rural Karnataka, India: Results of a prospective study, Asia-Pacific Population Journal, June 2001, pp 11-28.


Ganapathy, S., Ramakrishna, J. and Matthews, Z. (1998) Birthrights and rituals: Care and care-seeking in the intrapartum period in rural Karnataka, in Puri, C.P. and van Look, P.F.A. (eds) Sexual and Reproductive Health: Recent Advances, Future Directions, New Age International Press Ltd.


Conference Presentations


Ramakrishna, J., Maslekar, M., Vasan, A., Kilaru, A., Willekens, I., Karott, M. Less said the better: Societal attitudes and young people’s sexuality. Paper presented at the Sex and Secrecy Conference, Johannesburg, 22-25 June 2003, 4th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS).


Kilaru, A., Matthews, Z. and Ganapathy, S. Birth preparedness and delivery experiences in rural south India. Oral presentation at the White Ribbon Alliance Conference on Safe Motherhood “Saving Mothers’ Lives: What works” International Conference on Best Practices, October 3-5, 2002, New Delhi, India.


Kilaru, A., Matthews, Z. Brookes, M. and Ganapathy, S. Maternal health care in south India: Do adolescents seek more care than older women? Oral presentation at Population Association of America Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, May 2002.


Ramakrishna, J., Kilaru, A., Mahendra, S., Divakar, S. and Prakash, S. Boy- girl relations: Cultural influence on sexual perceptions and behaviours among adolescents in South India. Paper prepared for the panel “Youth Identity and behaviour” at the Third IASSCS conference, “Belief systems and the place of desire” Melbourne 1- 3 October, 2001.


Mahendra, S., Mathews, Z., Kilaru, A. and Whitworth, A. Neonatal deaths and stillbirths in rural south India. Oral presentation given at the annual conference of the British Society for Population Studies, University of Leeds, September 2001.


Kilaru, A., Griffiths, P.L., Ghosh, S. and Bentley, M.E. Nutrition education and weight velocity in rural south Indian infants: A promising intervention. Poster presented at the International Congress of Nutrition, Vienna, August 2001.


Kilaru, A., Matthews, Z., Mahendra, S., Ramakrishna, J. and  Ganapathy, S. She has a tender body: Postpartum care and care-seeking in rural south India, Population Association of America Annual Conference, Los Angeles, USA, March 2000.


Ganapathy, S., Ramakrishna, J. and Matthews, Z. Birthrights and rituals: Intrapartum care and care-seeking in rural Karnataka, International Conference on Reproductive Health, Bombay, India, March 1998

Belaku Trust

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